Thursday, 5 July 2012

5th July Don't worry keep going!

Going outside today determined to have a look at and a weed of my vegetable patch, I found that some things were actually doing OK. The courgettes will be ready for picking in a day or two. The garlic that I thought would rot in the ground actually looks alright, I had forgotten to pull it up as one should on mid summers day.
My cherry tomatoes have a few green tomatoes coming through, the plants themselves look abominable. Having not looked for a while I also found some strawberries that are ripe. My purple sprouting broccoli although slightly slug eaten seems to be loving the wet. What surprises for a soggy garden. Jobs: Go out and check everything – as it is wet the slugs are out with a vengeance. Put slug traps/pellets etc down. Weed in between rows. Cut borders with long scissors. Tidy things up, so that you can tell what’s what. Plant out any lettuces, rocket, peas, beans or other plants that you have ready to be planted. There is still time for sowing seeds, like broad beans or peas. If your first lot didn’t work perhaps the next lot will. Harvest all the time, courgettes, peas, broad beans, strawberries, redcurrants, gooseberries. Harvest whatever you can before the slugs or birds get at them. Cover and protect any fruit that you can with netting, cages or birdscare. This is vital as once a bird discovers some lovely looking redcurrants it only takes a day or two for them to disappear.